Thursday, September 17, 2009


Robert Searle said...

Yes, the environment is of high importance at the present time. However, I see capital as the basis of how limited resources are used, and indeed, abused so to speak.

I would draw all your attention to my global paradigm in development. It is called TRANSFINANCIAL ECONOMICS. See the p2pfoundation entry on it.

Avi said...

Good Work!
Any chance you could make the video of Tainter's plenary lecture available? It would be of benefit to lots of people.

Anonymous said...

That's interesting Robert. I see capital or money as the reason for the over-exhaustion of our resources/environment. Debt generation is increased exponential and therefore energy is as well. We know everything we do involves energy, and there is a definite number of energy used in creating goods and services. If we are able to calculate the total number we would be able to know the populations energy demands. That can be a common basis for our new model. How to distribute would be an interesting problem. So, something along these lines needs to be seriously considered.